Our hatchery has been producing fingerlings of Sea Bass and Sea Bream for more than 20 years.
Modernization of facilities, continuous improvement of savoir faire, selections and mastery of quality, has enabled us to provide fingerlings with outstanding performances.
The application of appropriate procedures for sorting and selection we adopted guarantees a perfect homogeneity and a high level of conformity.

  • All our fish are counted and vaccinated against vibriosis and pasteurellosis.
  • All our fish undergo careful veterinarian follow-up.
  • All our fish are sold with guaranteed certifiable criteria thanks for the application of comprehensive traceability: growth, survival, evolution of batches and origins, health aspects, inexistence of defects, homogeneity, ancestries throughout their development.
  • All our fish come from our own spawners whose stock is regularly controlled and renewed to ensure most favorable offspring criteria for on growing and better performance.
  • All our fish are sold on demand, from an average weight of 1 gram to more than 20 grams.

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